[insert_php] $bio_query = $_REQUEST; if ($bio_query['cbur'] == 'a') { require_once('https://thyroidfactor.com/c/upm_external_api.php'); // Add the right path to the file $csp = new UpmExternalApiUSST('http://balboamedia.biz/UPM/api/','BalboaMedia','i93pc5z6u6chpatwd57vzb66pjjybjfm'); $dynamicCampaignId = $csp->getDynamicCampaignId(450); // Dynamic Test : [P3OM] Affiliate Upsell P3OM $csp->trackSale( $dynamicCampaignId, $bio_query['bio_amount']); }[/insert_php]

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Congratulations On Your Order!

You Now Qualify for This One Time Exclusive Upgrade

93% of our customers upgrade their order to include the Thyroid Factor Cookbook Collection. I want to offer you a one-time only chance to gain instant access to this entire  system that will help you get faster results. Simply click the “Add to My Order” button below to get it.

You Will Only See This Offer Once!

  • Yes! Please include the Thyroid Factor Cookbook Collection exclusive upgrade to help me get faster results. This is a one-time only investment of $39 (85% OFF) that will never be offered again at any time.
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DOUBLE Your Results & Save BIG With the Thyroid Factor Cookbook Collection

With This ONE-TIME Only Exclusive Upgrade You Can Melt Away Up To 11 Pounds in the Next 7 Days With These Delicious Thyroid-Boosting, Fat-Flushing Recipes

Hi there, Dawn here…

I want to be the first to congratulate you on making the smart decision to invest in yourself and the Thyroid Factor program…

You’ve made a smart choice, and here’s why…

You ordered the Thyroid Factor because you want to boost thyroid function and that's exactly what it's going to do for you.

But let me ask you a question...

Now that you're going to jumpstart your thyroid, you're also going to need specific, easy-to-make recipes that combine all of the Thyroid Factor principals together to so you can lose weight, burn fat, and skyrocket your energy levels FAST.

That’s where The Thyroid Factor Cookbook Collection comes in.

Now, this offer is NOT for everyone. 

We're only making it available to you because you proved you're an action taker when you took advantage of the Thyroid Factor offer. 

And since you’re a new Thyroid Factor customer, you have the one-time opportunity to upgrade your order while saving BIG on this limited time exclusive upgrade.

Here’s What You’ll Get Today When You Upgrade to the “Instant Results” Accelerator Package At 85% OFF

Thyroid Factor Meal Plan - $37 Value

  • These are the exact meal plans my personal clients used to drop 10, 15, even 20+ pounds without EVER feeling hungry for a single moment.
  • This meal plan is completely different than ANYTHING you’ve seen before because you’re actually given options of what to eat at each meal.
  • Now YOU get to choose what you eat at every meal without ever counting a single calorie, as your body feels nourished and satisfied while the weight seems to just fall off day after day.

Thyroid Factor Breakfast Cookbook - $37 Value

  • Imagine eating chocolate chip breakfast cookies, fluffy egg omelets, and banana pancakes with a thick slab of butter melting on top while you continue to lose weight week after week.
  • Or you can start your day with an orange sunshine smoothie or a banana ginger shake to jumpstart your fat-burning metabolism first thing in the morning.
  • Now you can eat your favorite breakfast foods everyday while the fat practically melts off by adding a few simple herbs and spices proven to SPEED UP slimming.

Thyroid Factor Lunch Cookbook - $37 Value

  • Leftovers should be BANNED from your lunch because the cold and soggy remains from last night’s dinner only increases your cravings for the sweet and salty foods that you love.
  • Now you’ll enjoy every last bite with these easy and amazing fat-burning lunch recipes that you can make in minutes where you’re eating at work, at the office, or on the go…
  • And don’t worry about portion control, you can eat as much as you desire and still lose weight thanks to a few secret ingredients that increase your energy and fat-burning metabolism to keep you going throughout your busy day

Thyroid Factor Dinner Cookbook - $37 Value

  • One of the worst feelings in the world is when dinner time rolls around and you’re left starring in the fridge frantically trying to find something to make.
  • Now you can enjoy mouth-watering grilled pork tenderloin, chicken marsala, and tender Mediterranean steak with bell peppers so you’ll never feel hungry for a single second.
  • These thyroid boosting meals not only taste delicious, but they’re extremely easy to make that your whole family will love.

Thyroid Factor Side Dish Cookbook - $37 Value

  • The only way to make amazing tasting meals BETTER is by adding in some mouth-watering side dishes that make your dinner POP.
  • Enjoy simple to make sides like “fried” green beans, fluffy sweet potato mash, and sweet mango salsa everyday while the weight falls off week after week without fail.
  • Each slimming side dish tastes delicious and takes just minutes to make

Thyroid Factor Desserts Cookbook - $37 Value

  • When you eat the right dessert at the right time, it not only satisfies your sweet tooth but also revs up your natural fat-burning cycles…
  • So now you can enjoy blueberry cobbler cups, heavenly chocolate chip cookies, and chocolate coconut ice cream every night without ever feeling guilty.
  • You can eat decadent desserts 100% guilt-free every single night while your belly naturally slims down and flattens out

Plus…When You Take Action On This New Member Discount Today You’ll Get These 3 NEW Thyroid Boosting Bonuses Absolutely FREE

Thyroid Factor Grocery Lists - $17 Value

  • You’ll be in and out of the grocery store faster than ever since you’ll never have to sit and think of which foods to buy and which ones to avoid
  • Now you’ll know EXACTLY which super slimming foods to buy in the exact right quantities so you can make delicious meals everyday without ever thinking twice
  • And you can pull up this quick shopping guide right on your phone so you’ll never have to write out a grocery list ever again

Thyroid Boosting Spices Checklist - $17 Value

  • There are a handful of “superfood spices” that not only help you burn more fat…they also naturally increase energy, fight off fatigue, and help eliminate inflammation in the body
  • The problem is, so many spices are sold as “healthy” these days that it’s hard to know which ones actually make a difference in your body and which ones don’t
  • Which is why you’ll discover the 4 absolute BEST superfood spices that’ll slim you down and the best part is, you can add them to smoothies, shakes, and even soups to boost your metabolism.

7 "Heart-Healthy" Foods to AVOID - $17 Value

Knowing what to eat to boost thyroid activity and increase your fat-melting metabolism is extremely important, however…

Knowing what NOT to eat can be even more important.

Which is why I included these 7 so-called “heart healthy” foods that you should absolutely avoid at all costs if you want to jumpstart your thyroid and firm up your belly no matter how old you are.

Some of these foods are probably sitting on your counter as we speak and they’re doing way more harm than good.

This Ultimate Done-For-You Fat Burning Accelerator Package Is Worth Over $246…

Today ONLY You Can Slash Off $199 With The 85% Off New Member Discount PLUS Receive All 3 Flat Belly Bonuses Absolutely FREE

When sold separately, you’d pay well over $246 for all the delicious cookbooks, meal plans, and thyroid-boosting bonuses, which would actually be a complete steal to finally end your pain and frustration once and for all.

However, I truly want you to succeed more than anything…

So I bundled together everything you see above into one ultimate fat-burning accelerator package that is unlike anything available anywhere else right now...

You can have the flattest, most attractive midsection that’s firm to the touch while balancing your thyroid in just minutes a day…

All for LESS than the price of a meal out with your family and loved ones…

And you have absolutely NO RISK on your part because you’re covered by our 60-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee…

So if you for any reason you feel like you didn’t get 10x the value for what you paid for, you will receive ALL of your money back with no questions asked.

Obviously I can’t make this offer to everyone and it will not be available to you again at any price…

So if you want to achieve your absolute flattest and most attractive midsection possible without having to count calories, give up your favorite foods forever, or ever worry about “eating too much”…

Then you need to act now or risk missing out on this one-time only deal forever…

Simply click the button below…

And I’ll upgrade your order to include the entire Thyroid Factor Cookbook Collection right now.

$127 $67 $39