3 Thyroid Killers Women Must AVOID 

If You Want To Boost Your Thyroid, Restore Youthful Energy And Flatten Your Belly In Only 21 Days

Did you know that studies from The American Thyroid Association show women are 5-8 times more likely to struggle with thyroid problems than men? [1]
Combine that fact with the changes the female body goes through due to menopause and it’s clear to see why it's not uncommon for women over 40 to report feeling “off”…  

Picture the body just hitting the “PAUSE” button as thyroid activity, metabolism and energy levels all plummet. 

 A fat-storing, energy-draining combo called
  • You probably see frustrated women everyday with thyroid symptoms
  • Struggling with weight gain, looking heavy and bloated with thinning hair
  • Slogging through each day with no energy feeling fatigued and "hot" then "cold" or blue
  • Suffer with forgetfulness, brain fog, less sharp thinking and more senior moments 
What's scary is...
American Thyroid Association shows 60% of those with thyroid problems are unaware

Which is why this is still the #1 overlooked problem for women over 40. 

  • If you’re a woman over 40 and still struggling to lose the frustrating fat…
  • If you feel worn out, exhausted, and drained by fatigue and low energy...
  • If you’re experiencing brain fog and more senior moments than in your prime
    Be sure to read the rest of this new article until the very end if you want to:
Be sure to read the rest of this new article until the very end if you want to:
Fix your fatigue and boost your energy at any age
Experience less brain fog and senior moments at any age
Boost your thyroid and flatten your belly at any age

EVEN IF you’re a working mom like me and have absolutely ZERO time for complicated diets and long boring workouts...

EVEN IF you’re over 40 like me, and you feel like your Thyro-Pause hormone is working against you...

EVEN IF you feel emotionally drained from years of suffering through exhaustive, joint killing, high-intensity workouts that only let you down by your lack of results...

EVEN IF you’ve failed in the past with those fad diets that make you count points or live off of prepackaged, "lean" meals" that science has now revealed to be horrible for female thyroid function after 40

Or EVEN IF you THINK you’ve seen and tried everything...

And the real honest to god truth is…
  • You DON'T have to starve yourself or suffer through some crazy diet
  • You DON'T have to eat bland, flavorless salads every day or count every single calorie that passes your lips
  • You DON'T have to slog away on the treadmill, elliptical, or even suffer through one more minute of joint destroying workouts
In a moment you'll see all the details...
First, there is something you should know...
These 3 Thyroid Killers Reveal the things women must AVOID
if you want to banish fatigue, boost your energy and 
see a flat and firm belly in only 21 days...
Thyroid Killer #1
Think all green veggies are healthy?

Think again…

In fact, did you know that
 certain organic green veggies can actually kill your thyroid levels faster?

Think about that…

You’re eating healthy, yet with each bite, it feels like your energy is being drained as belly fat piles up faster than ever…

You see, there are a handful of so-called “healthy” fruits and vegetables that work AGAINST your body’s natural ability to burn fat with a sluggish thyroid…

Which is why you may THINK you’re doing everything right and yet the scale never budges and your clothes never fit any differently…

And without you knowing, your body is pumping out more fat-storing thyroid toxins into your belly killing your weight loss without warning.

Another common problem among women with a sluggish thyroid known as “Thyroid Belly”

Which is why you must avoid THIS thyroid killing vegetable below if you want to banish your fatigue, boost your energy and finally see the flat and firm belly you desire...

I’ll share all the details with you below in just a minute...
Thyroid Jumpstart Technique:
If you really want to get the flat and firm belly you desire no matter how sluggish your thyroid is, then you must stop relying on expensive advice like organic veggies are the miracle that’ll save you and your body from all your weight loss and belly fat problems…

Most organic foods are not any better than the original, just more expensive to make you think they are healthier for you when they are not.

In a moment I’ll show you a powerful and potent spice you can use before bed to boost your thyroid, fight fatigue and burn more belly fat...

Try adding 1/8 tsp. of this “#1 thyroid-boosting spice” to your dinner tonight...
Thyroid Killer #2
Did you know that certain healthy breakfast foods with labels like “heart-healthy”, whole grains, no sugar added, gluten free and even high fiber bran-based cereals can plummet thyroid production blocking your metabolism from burning flab?

Studies show that so as you rest and recover, you start burning more fat…

Which is why you can wake up in the morning feeling lighter and leaner than you did at bedtime the night before....

However, eating these so-called “healthy breakfasts” first thing in the morning KILLS thyroid production and belly fat-burning hormone and causes your body to releases your #1 fat-storing hormone instead…

Automatically turning your body into fat-storage mode instead of burning off the fat around your belly, hips, and thighs for fuel all morning long.
Thyroid Jumpstart Technique:
Many women believe you have to force yourself to completely change your diet and cut out flavorful foods that you enjoy, but guess what? That’s a lie!

Now, how would you like to actually enjoy eating a breakfast that stimulates thyroid activity

Now you wouldn’t think that making a simple one minute shift in your morning routine would make that big of a difference…

Yet as you’re about to see, adding this one unique and kind of odd ingredient to your breakfast each morning skyrockets thyroid activity allowing you to flatten your belly faster…

Try making this one simple shift tomorrow morning...

Just picture it:

Suddenly, you’re waking up every morning bursting with energy

You'll never have to worry about those dreaded 2 p.m. energy crashes again...

Your friends and colleagues will be STUNNED at how effortless you’re experiencing more energy and a flatter, more attractive waistline that’s firm to the touch…

Even if you experience a fraction of what other women have who read this very page you’re reading right now… Chances are your friends and family won’t believe their eyes.

The benefits of this simple tip continue to astound me, and the thousands of women just like you I've given it to...
Thyroid Killer #3
You may believe that NOT avoiding hours of exercise each week is a good thing. However, nothing could be further from the truth:

Believe it or not, new research proves that exhausting yourself with hours of exercises is week is the absolute worst thing women over 40 can do to burn belly fat...

In fact, 99% of today’s most popular workouts are destroying your thyroid faster with each passing day forcing you to feel trapped in the body of someone far older…

Someone who slogs through each day just going through the motions...

Someone you don’t want to be...

These thyroid-killing movements suck the life out of your thyroid and send your chances of flattening your belly plummeting…

Once you start taking advantage of this thyroid-boosting technique for women below you never have to step foot on a treadmill, elliptical, or Stairmaster ever again
Thyroid Jumpstart Technique:
Now, what you’re about to see below is THE most important thyroid-boosting tip of all…

So keep reading and listen closely….

Because there’s a much simpler and easier way to burn belly fat and get the body you desire without wasting hours on exhaustive exercise that only makes you more hungry while craving all the sugary sweets the “experts” forbid you from ever eating…

This is the proven yet little-known technique that will allow you to jumpstart your thyroid…

The wonderful thing about it is, it only takes about 30 seconds, and you can do it tonight before bed.
Look, I get that this sounds too good to be true…And when you see it, you may think it also sounds” too simple” to work…
Just be WARNED: Without applying this one thyroid jumpstart technique, you can virtually forget about succeeding...
It’s NOT your fault you feel fatigued and are still struggling to flatten your belly ...
The TRUTH has been virtually hidden from you and all other women on purpose...

These 3 Thyroid Killers Are The ONLY Reason You Haven’t Experienced The Flatter, More Attractive Midsection You Desire...
  • It’s NOT because you’re not pushing yourself hard enough
  • It’s NOT because you don’t want it bad enough
  • It’s NOT because you lack willpower
It’s simply because you haven't tried this one thyroid jumpstart technique yet
That's it...
Once you see how simple this Thyro-Pause solution specifically for women is, you may also be surprised to learn:
  • It takes very little time each night before bed and first thing in the morning so even the busiest women can use it...
  • It's Easy-To-Use so you avoid failure and feeling let down again.
  • It Skyrockets Female Thyroid Activity For A Flatter Belly at any age...
  • It Fights fatigue, aches, and pains while boosting female energy levels naturally
  • It Slows cellular aging for a more youthful feeling and attractive appearance
So What Is This Thyroid Jumpstart Technique that’s fast-tracking even the most frustrated women into raving success stories? I Call It...
"Thyroid Activation"
The #1 Thyroid Boosting Answer for Women Who want to Fix Fatigue, Boost Energy Naturally, And See the Flat And Firm Belly they deserve at any age

What is Thyroid Activation and why does it work so well for women struggling with exhausting fatigue and unwanted belly fat?

Buy now, you already know how critical the thyroid is to women as they age...

You also know that once women hit 40, they also have to deal with the changes the female body goes through due to menopause … 

You see, your body is starved of vital thyroid-stimulating chemicals that your metabolism desperately needs to function and burn belly fat as you age.

You MUST address the real problem:

You see, when your thyroid is LOW and your menopause switch is HIGH, your metabolism comes to a screeching halt as your body piles on belly fat making it virtually impossible to see a flat and firm belly as you age…

Your whole body pays the price:

Crippling fatigue

• Belly Fat piles up

• Painful aches and pains

• Embarrassing brain fog

• Accelerated signs of aging

• Risk of heart disease, diabetes, and stroke

Which is why losing weight and flattening your belly can be so hard no matter how much you exercise or how many veggies you eat…

And that’s the reason Thyroid Activation works so amazingly well for women as they age…

It's specifically designed to work WITH the changes the female body goes through and stimulates and optimizes all 3 female thyroid activation triggers that control weight loss and energy levels 100% for women: 

DETOX Your Thyroid
Thyroid Activation Trigger #1
BOOST Your Thyroid
Thyroid Activation Trigger #2
RELEASE Your Thyroid
Thyroid Activation Trigger #3
Most Women Think They Can’t Live A High Energy, Flat Belly Lifestyle As They Age...
Which Is An Absolute Lie.
My name is Dawn Sylvester. I'm 57, and I’ve spent the last 15 years working with 1,000’s of REAL women, examining the REAL reason behind why so many women struggle with fatigue, low energy, and belly fat as they age.
I’ve also had the privilege to work alongside some of the top thyroid and menopause experts in the world to seek out what really works for women over 45 and see first hand their most prized thyroid jumpstart techniques that most women are completely unaware of...


I see it all the time...women working so much harder than anyone else as they age yet still aren’t getting the results they deserve…
And most of this is due to the changes the thyroid naturally goes through due to menopause…
In fact, I wasn’t always the leading thyroid and female fat loss expert - this was me for years until I discovered this technique I’m about to show you:

Much of my life I lived with undiagnosed thyroid issues which left me struggling to lose belly fat and feeling awful with sudden, unexplained health problems.
I looked in the mirror every day only to see someone I didn’t even recognize anymore - like a heavy-looking, elderly stranger.
Someone I didn’t want to be…
I felt insecure, unattractive, and even undesired any more…
Some days it was hard just to get out of bed and put one foot in front of another forcing me to avoid the things I once enjoyed.

I couldn’t enjoy gardening, or enjoy quality time with my family.

And eventually, Basic everyday tasks become a struggle
Here’s The Biggest Problem Of All:
Nobody understands what you’re going through.
My friends, family and even doctors thought it was just "all in my head."
I felt hopeless...
Confused where to turn...
And even embarrassed...
Everyone thought I was making excuses because I had no willpower and was just being "lazy"...
 They didn’t understand this was a different kind of tired.
Doctors always said my lab results were normal, that there was nothing wrong with me and I was just being a “hypochondriac”...
That it was normal to be tired, overweight, sick more often as you age….
And I just needed to eat less, eat “healthier” and work out more...
Well, here's the truth...
For women suffering from thyro-pause, this advice is all wrong…
Typical mainstream "advice" like that doesn't work when your thyroid switch is "turned off"...
In fact, it only left me feeling like a big, fat, hopeless failure.
Maybe you can relate?
If so, you're not alone...
However, keep reading because in a moment you’ll see how any woman can actually use these Thyro-Pause changes to her advantage to burn MORE belly fat even faster than they remember back from back in their prime.
To get real and lasting results, women have to work WITH their body to balance these natural Thyro-Pause changes, NOT against…
When you do that... the truth is, it's actually far more possible to experience all day energy and burn belly fat as we age than most women think…
In Fact, Here’s A Recent Picture Of Myself With My Mom Who’s 80 Yet Looks, Feels, And Moves Better Than She Did At 50…
You see, my mom also suffered from Thyro-Pause…
I remember how fatigued she always was and how hard it was for her to drop unwanted belly fat…

And today, thanks to this simple thyroid jumpstart technique shown below, at 80 She Looks, Feels, And Moves Better Than She Did At 50!

And now our success can be your success when you use this unique and one of a kind thyroid rejuvenating protocol…
If you're looking for the smartest way to fast track the high-energy lifestyle and flat and firm belly, you desire…
Then you've probably already figured out that activating your thyroid may be the answer you’ve been looking for…
After all, when your thyroid is fully activated your body’s natural ability to feel energized and burn belly fat every day is dramatically increased.
Think about it…
Do you really want to slog through each day: feeling completely drained of energy?
still struggling to lose belly fat?
Of course, you don’t!
What if you could wake up with unstoppable energy and visibly seeing the flat and firm belly you desired every day?
Wouldn’t you agree that’s the life you really want?
What if feeling completely energized everyday and burning off stubborn belly fat suddenly became effortless, the way it used to be for you 25 years ago?
And what if you could actually get on the fast track in as little as 24 hours? Well the good news is, I've organized all these thyroid activation techniques into an easy-to-use, done-for-you blueprint that any woman, at any age can follow. 
The 21-Day Thyroid Boosting Weight Loss System For Women
The Thyroid Factor is a 21-Day Thyroid Boosting Weight Loss System for women based on powerful and proven thyroid nutrition techniques and strategies specially designed to help the female body optimize and support the overall effectiveness of your Thyro-Pause hormone at any age.

You see, for years my mom and I were plagued with Thyro-Pause, Which is why I’ve spent the last 15 years working with 1,000’s of REAL women with Thyro-Pause… And because I spent so much of my adult life fighting against my body until something finally worked it’s now my life mission to help over 1 million women transform their thyroid and flatten their belly at any age.
What really puts the Thyroid Factor in a category of one is the fact that worked alongside some of the top thyroid, menopause, and female fat loss experts in the world to seek out what really works for women with Thyro-Pause…
And after seeing first hand their most prized thyroid activation secrets that were virtually hidden from the general public, I’ve perfected all these thyroid boosting, belly flattening techniques into one easy to use and done-for-you protocol that anyone can use to experience fast, lasting, and enjoyable weight loss at any age.
Component #1: 
21 Day Thyroid Weight Loss System

Inside this easy-to-read comprehensive thyroid blueprint I lay out my unique and targeted female nutrition strategies that almost any woman can use to balance her body, increase energy naturally, and break the cycle of yo-yo dieting and bad eating habits at any age.

Whats more is I've made sure to leave no stone left unturned, just LOOK at a few of the things you'll discover today inside:

  • What every woman with low thyroid must know to regain her energy and feel better physically and mentally
  • The full list of thyroid suppressing foods and how you can avoid them today
  • How to order the RIGHT thyroid lab tests (Plus what thyroid tests will be the most beneficial and what do they mean)
  • The 7 thyroid questions every woman MUST ask their healthcare provider
  • The top thyroid support supplements to take daily (and which ones to completely avoid)
  • The missing thyroid minerals and nutrients most women are deficient in that helps stimulate healthy thyroid production
Component #2
101 Thyroid Boosting Foods

This easy-to-follow guide reveals 101 thyroid friendly foods, teas, essential oils, herbs and spices – everything a woman needs to feel better fast.

Now women can have endless options when it comes to eating delicious foods that help support healthy female thyroid function at any age!

Component #3: 
Thyroid Jumpstart Guide
  • Now because I’m a busy, working mom I know first hand how difficult it can be to stay on track while trying to balance everything else.

    That’s why I’ve included this simple step-by-step guide for how to start living the healthy thyroid lifestyle in the fastest, most effective and enjoyable way.

    I’ll walk you through exactly what to do, meal-by-meal from which thyroid-suppressing foods to avoid to a "fast start" thyroid meal plan you can use tonight.

Any Woman Can Follow These Easy-To-Use Thyroid Boosting Techniques To Flatten Her Belly At Any Age…
Even If You Think...
"I'm Too Busy And Don't Have Time"
As a busy working mom, I can vouch for the fact that there's simply not enough hours in the day. That's why I’ve specifically designed this system to give you the absolute BEST results possible in the shortest amount of time possible so you can get on with your day.

EVEN IF you’re a working woman with a family like me and have little to no time for long boring workouts or complicated diets.  

You’ll soon see that all you need are these special thyroid jumpstart techniques and some easy-to-find herbs, spices, and botanicals
"I'm Too Old To Have A Flat Belly"
The Thyroid Factor is so much more than losing your thyroid belly and seeing a flat and attractive waistline. It's a state of mind, one that keeps you alive, bursting with energy, and full of youth. It's saying that you can take control of your thyroid and still have a beautifully confident body that makes you proud everyday at ANY age.

 Just like the countless of women before you who’ve used these thyroid boosting techniques, You will soon see that age really is just a number - and having the flat and firm belly mindset keeps you alive, bursting with energy, and full of youth.
"My Hormones Are All Out Of Whack"
Perfect -this will work BETTER for you then! You can use the sensitive nature of your Thyro-Pause hormone to your advantage to burn belly fat faster.

Each step is intelligently designed to match the changes that are going on in your body due to Thyro-Pause, so even if you’re going through menopause, perimenopause,  you can still boost your thyroid to flatten your belly.
"Nothing Ever Works For Me"
Same here, nothing ever worked for me until I discovered this thyroid jumpstart technique. This can happen with women who’ve damaged their thyroid and metabolism by doing popular diets and workouts that weren't designed to work with their body to balance these natural Thyro-Pause changes.

It doesn't have to be that way. Even the most frustrated women who haven't been able to lose an ounce in years are FINALLY experiencing a flatter and more firm belly. Some for the very first time - better late than never
These Unique And One-Of-A-Kind Thyroid Boosting Techniques For Women Are RARE And NOT Available ANYWHERE Else
I still feel my eyes tearing up when I think about the past 20 years and how my mom and I struggled for so long with our weight, and actually, it was a lot more than that…
I remember my mom saying she “felt like a stranger living in an elderly woman’s body” and how the frustration lived with us for so many years because we couldn’t figure out why and how the weight was piling on so fast when we thought we were doing everything right…
And now I realize all that struggle and frustration was actually a gift from God because it led us down this path to stumble upon the world’s BEST thyroid-boosting protocol for women, so you don’t have to go through the suffering my mom and I did for so many years…
These thyroid boosting, belly flattening techniques for women aren’t available anywhere else. This is the first time we’re sharing them because all we want to do is help more people get the body and life they’ve deserved for so long…
Unless you’re willing to travel to my personal studio in Michigan and pay my expensive fees to work with me in person, this is the only way to get your hands on these unique thyroid-stimulating techniques for women that worked for us when nothing else ever did…
No other program handles your needs and desires like this one because we’ve personally gone through everything imaginable for women over 40 and know firsthand the frustrations you face from Thyro-Pause that no one else understands.
With that said, I need to come clean and be 100% honest with you…
Just Because The Thyroid Factor Works For Any Woman Does NOT Mean It’s For Every Woman
Unlike most weight loss “experts” out there who want anyone and everyone to pick up their program because their ego needs to be fed, I’m the exact opposite.
I know deep down that I was put here on this earth to help transform the lives of honest, hardworking women who are willing to take action to transform your body, your health, and your life…
So if you’re looking for another quick fix that promises you’ll lose 50 pounds overnight without doing anything at all...

then I want you to know right now that this is NOT for you…
This is only for women who are ready to stop wishing and hoping that a new body will appear out of nowhere and who are ready to take their life into their own hands to finally get on the fast track to enjoyable and lasting weight loss at any age.
 If that sounds like you then I can guarantee you’ve never experienced anything like this…
If you're a woman, who wants the REAL ANSWER to achieving the flat and firm belly you truly desire while looking and feeling years younger…
...Then The Thyroid Factor Isn’t Just “The” Answer You’ve Been Looking For - It’s The ONLY Answer For You!
My Exclusive Female Clients Pay $197.88 For This 21 Day Thyroid Boosting, Belly Flattening Protocol
Today Is Your Chance To Practically STEAL It For
Less Than The Price Of A Mani-Pedi!
Now, you may believe that a one of a kind thyroid jumpstart technique JUST for women with Thyro-Pause belly that can do all of this, and much more, costs a pretty penny…
And, In All Honesty? It Really Should...After all, The thyroid boosting methods you’re about to experience have already helped countless of women achieve their flat and attractive waistline and rejuvenated energy levels.
Yet, because you’re visiting this page during our special pre-launch, I’ve I convinced my publisher at the Ageless Body Academy to allow me to practically give away a limited number of copies for the extremely discount price below...
Look, I Don't Want You To Decide Right Now…
I completely understand that it may be difficult for you to see yourself achieving a flat and attractive waistline after 40 - just like it was for all of the other women who were exactly where you are now that I finally made believers out of…

That's why I insist on protecting you 100% with this Money Back Guarantee...
I’m so confident that this breakthrough thyroid boosting system for women is going to give you absolutely amazing results that there is ZERO risk what-so-ever to you.
Take advantage of my Unconditional 100% RISK-FREE, Money Back Guarantee and get results first, then decide.
That’s right...
You DON’T have to decide right now…
Experience The Entire Thyroid Factor System for 60 full days FIRST, on me and see the results you desire, or you pay nothing!
You'll be amazed by how simple, and EFFECTIVE this proven step-by-step thyroid activation system is. I guarantee these Safe, Simple, And Scientifically Proven Thyroid Boosting Belly Flattening Methods…
You’ll FINALLY see the unwanted fat come off your waistline in the fastest and most lasting way possible WITHOUT starving yourself or spending countless hours working out. I guarantee It.
Special Pre-Release Sale...
Today Is Your Chance To Save BIG On "The Thyroid Factor"
Congrats If you’re still able to reach this page because it means our special pre-release sale is still available today…
You see, the truth is that the Thyroid Factor was not supposed to be released for another 6 months as a physical 3 Component Thyroid Activation Kit which our financial advisor suggested a retail price of $97.88.

However,  I know for a fact that there are many more women like my mom  and me who don’t want to slog through another 6 months feeling fatigued,  just going through the motions, and still struggling with unwanted  belly fat...
So I convinced my publisher at the Ageless Body Academy to allow me to practically give it away to the first group of eager and ready to go action takers for the ridiculously low investment of ONLY $15...
Seriously, you can’t even get a mani-pedi for only $15…
Act now and click the “Buy Now” button below to stimulate your thyroid tonight and get on the fast track to seeing the flat and firm belly you desire.
Claim Your Copy of The Thyroid Factor RIGHT NOW And Get Instant Access To The Entire Thyroid Boosting Belly Flattening System Today!
If You Know Women Who Are Plagued By Fatigue And Unwanted Belly Fat Due To Thyro-Pause...
Remember This...
It’s Only Because They Don't Know These Powerful And Proven Thyroid Jumpstart Techniques - Few Women Do...
Look, I can tell you from personal and professional experience that the ONLY reason Most women struggle with fatigue, low energy, brain fog and aren’t able to achieve a flat and firm belly as they age is that everything they've tried in the past was completely WRONG for their body.
That’s why it hasn’t been their fault…
  • Women DON’T need to suffer through long boring workouts whatsoever to see a flat and firm belly at any age
  • Women DON’T need to count calories or points to experience a more desirable looking waistline after 45,55,65 or beyond...
  • Women DON’T need to eat bland, boring diet foods that taste like cardboard only triggering constant cravings and hunger.
  • And women absolutely DON’T have to starve or suffer through some crazy diet…
It's not their age, their genetics, their willpower, their fitness level, or anything else…
It's simply because they don't know these little known female Thyroid Jumpstart Techniques...
Very few women do. Otherwise, every woman would have tight and lifted looking appearance, youthful energy and see a flat and firm belly at any age.
And unless you take action today you run a grave risk of deeper levels of frustration, and a real anger over not living the life you deserve…
And there's real pain waiting for you if you choose to continue in a state of inaction: frustration, resentment, a feeling of loss...
Do you really want to continue to feel old and well beyond your age - someone you don’t recognize anymore?
Like An Elderly Stranger - Someone You DON’T Want To Be…
That can leave you feeling insecure, unattractive, unnoticed and even undesired as you age...
So The Only Questions Now Are:
  • How many more DAYS do you want to spend feeling exhausted, mentally drained, and worn-out?
  • How many more WEEKS are you going to allow chronic fatigue and belly fat ruin the simple pleasures that used to bring joy to your life?
  • How many more MONTHS are you going to deny yourself the freedom of being confident in your own skin stopping you from going out in public without feeling like everyone including your friends are mocking you behind your back?
  • How many more YEARS will you let go by AVOIDING the clothes you REALLY want for the fear and crippling embarrassment of being judged by everyone?
  • Do you really want to suffer through a LIFETIME of crippling embarrassment, robbing you and your family of years of happiness due to your increased risk for more serious and sudden health problems because your belly is protruding over your waistline?
Look, none of this is what I want for you and you know that you deserve better than how you feel right now.
If not for yourself, think about your family and loved ones who all rely on you everyday.
There are a lot of people rooting for you right now!
All of this can be avoided, beginning today…
Right now you have the opportunity to be one of the few exclusive insiders who DO know these proven thyroid boosting, belly flattening techniques found in The Thyroid Factor...
This Is What I Picture For You In The Next 21 Days...
Imagine that in this moment, you finally have the answer you've been looking for, and you begin your journey to flat belly freedom…
You feel alive again...
You are bursting with confidence...
Full of energy... seeing success at every turn...
Turning heads as you walk into the room with total body confidence...
You are living the high energy flat belly lifestyle you deserve and enjoying every second of it -  - at long last!
Yes, it's true:
Your struggles with low energy, brain fog, and unwanted belly fat, up until today, has largely been no fault of your own…
It's true that you've been lied to in the past about the REAL problem behind your frustrations
And there are the dreaded quick-fix solutions that did nothing but backfire in your face…
Or the high-intensity workouts, and difficult, restrictive diets built for men and women in their 20s and 30’s that left you feeling hopeless like it was your fault you didn’t succeed.
Today is your day to take responsibility by CLAIMING the body and life you desire...
And take the action you KNOW is necessary today to put you on the fast and lasting track to enjoyable weight loss and rejuvenating energy, using a unique and done-for-you system that SIMPLY WORKS…
Here's the GOOD NEWS:
unlike all those ridiculous gimmicks, the Thyroid Factor is specifically designed to work with the changes the female body is going through at any age and any stage...
Try The Thyroid Factor for 60 full days, on me... and see the results you desire, or you pay nothing!
And, as a reminder, you're always just a moments away from an answer from myself along with our Amazing Thyroid Factor Support Team, so you will never feel left on your own…
And Don't Forget: You DON’T Have To Decide Right Now... Take advantage of my unconditional 100% Risk-Free, Money Back Guarantee, and get results first, then decide.
Also, remember that your investment today is 100% RISK-FREE.
ALL of the risk is on me. Try the Thyroid Factor with ZERO-RISK for 60 full days, on me... and see the results you desire, or you pay nothing!
So go ahead and make the intelligent choice. Do the right thing and take action and responsibility right now by clicking the "Buy Now" button below (Your special discount coupon will instantly be applied to your order).
to your success ,
Dawn Sylvester
P.S. - This fat-burning program that detoxes your thyroid is exactly what my mom and I used after seeing over a dozen doctors and on the verge of giving up for good. We tried every medication, pill, and “meal plan” in the book and came after from each one more frustrated than ever.Then after years of trial and error, we stumbled upon a formula that not only worked, it made BOTH of us look over 20 years younger.
Here I am at 57 with my mom who's 80!
You see, you’re NOT lazy, you don’t “lack willpower,” and you don’t need  any more “self-discipline.” You just need a guide who was once in your  shoes and knows what you’re going through.
P.P.S. - Remember that carrying out extra belly fat is very serious and can lead to a number of dangerous health conditions that could take you away from your family and friends far too soon. And getting rid of it does NOT mean starving yourself skinny, doing hours of exhaustive exercise, or giving up sugar, dairy, or gluten for good...those are all quick fixes that never last. Instead, you can enjoy delicious comfort foods that delight your tastebuds and burn belly fat around the clock by making a few simple switches that activate your thyroid and jumpstart your metabolism to burn more fat no matter how old you are.
P.P.P.S. - Remember, you do NOT have to decide right now. You can try out The Thyroid Factor for a full 60-days and if you don’t get the results you desire or don’t think it worked for you, then simply let us know, and you’ll get a full, 100% refund with no questions asked. You have nothing to lose and an exciting, youthful life to gain.
Have a Question?
I’ve Probably Already Answered It Below...
Q: Will this program work for someone older?
Absolutely! The truth is most “weight loss” programs are designed for people in their 20’s or 30’s who can do all these outrageous exercises and starvation diets when those same things ruin your metabolism as you get older…
I created this program in my mid-50’s after realizing there was NOTHING available for older women and men who want to feel and look their best at ANY age.
Q: Do I need a bunch of extra equipment or diet foods to get started?
You do not need any unnecessary equipment to get started, and all of the foods in the Thyroid Factor are likely in your house already or can be found at your local grocery store. You don’t need to order any expensive ingredients or get a gym membership to get started.
Q: Dawn, I lost 7 pounds in the first 7 days. Is this normal?
Congratulations! The Thyroid Factor is in sync with your natural fat-burning hormones, and you should be VERY proud of yourself...
On average, we see 5 pounds of weight loss in the first week, although we have seen as much as 9 pounds of fat lost.
However, it’s much more than that. It’s how your clothes fit as the weight starts coming off, how you see yourself in the mirror as the fat starts melting away and your true body begins to show.
Everyone is different, yet at least 5 pounds of weight lost in the first week is about average.
Q: What makes this program different than everything else?
Great question! You see, 99% of the weight loss programs out there don’t even mention your thyroid or how it controls fat burning at the cellular level. Thich is why all the fad diets and intense workout programs never work for you or me, because they don’t address the main problem at the source…
Which is your thyroid and how it may not be producing the necessary hormones to burn fat.
The Thyroid Factor starts at the main problem and holds your hand along this journey to healing your thyroid which allows your body to burn more belly fat once your hormones are aligned and activated.
Q: How long will the Thyroid Factor be on sale?
Unfortunately, the deep discount can’t last forever and is not guaranteed past today.
Q: Will I ever be billed again?
No, this is a one-time only payment.
Q: What if the program doesn’t work for me?
These flat belly secrets have saved people’s lives, rescued marriages, and even freed people from their expensive medications and hospital visits.
Which is why I wanted to make it as easy as possible for you to try it. So I took all the risk so you can test it out on me.
If you go through the program and realize that is just isn’t for you, send me an email, and I’ll gladly provide you with a timely and complete refund with no questions asked.
Q: I want to get started right now. Do I have to wait for anything to be sent to me?
No, you definitely do not have to wait. You’ll receive instant access to the entire Thyroid Factor system. Nothing will be sent to you.
Q: Dawn, I’m ready to make a change. What is the next step?
I’m so excited, and I can’t wait to help you reach your wildest weight loss goals! The first step is to click the “Add to Cart” button below, enter in your information in our 100% secure order form, and you’ll receive instant access to the entire Thyroid Factor system. Plus a Quick Start Guide that will tell you exactly how to get started toward your new slim and sexy body in the fastest, easiest way possible.
And with my 60-day 100% money-back guarantee, you have nothing to lose and an exciting, youthful life to gain.
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